The Greatest Guide To hagia sophia tickets

In the interior sight of Hagia Sophia, mosaics that demonstrate the tradition of early Byzantine rein their color and technique show up. The preference for strong and clear tints and the turning of gold cubes will dazzle your eyes! 

Hello Thank you for the wonderfull information page! Hopefully me and my friend can visit Istanbul soon and do some tours.

It welches also an important site of Muslim worship after Sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantinople rein 1453 and designated the structure a mosque. It would remain a mosque until being converted into a museum in the 1930s.

You can follow the opening and closing times of mosques (including Hagia Sophia) rein Istanbul from the table on this Hyperlink. Mosques are usually closed for prayer 1 hour before the prayer and opened 30 minutes after the prayer.

Most of the Christian mosaics of the temple are located hinein the upper gallery of the temple which was once the women section during both the Byzantine and Ottoman eras. The oldest mosaic dates back to the 9th century CE. 

Sinan also made the dome extremely durable by feeding the gaps between the piers carrying the dome of Hagia Sophia and the side walls with arches.

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When Hagia Sophia welches a museum, it was closed on Mondays. This information stumm exists rein un-updated guidebooks, but is no longer valid. Hagia Sophia is open every day of the week.

However, the staff are generally very tolerant of visitors. Since Hagia Sophia used to Beryllium a church, I think they will perceive your crossing as an act of showing respect to the building.

Hagia Sophia is one of the most visited museums in Istanbul, but there are lots of other things to see as well. So if you’d like to save time and money, it’s a good idea to get a combined ticket. Here’s an example of a combined Flugschein that includes Hagia Sophia access.

I remember when I was there in 2014 I welches rein first floor and also went to the upper floors. Are those lautlos accessible during the visiting hours now?

* Some parts of the mosque used by prayers are temporarily closed to the visitors on Friday worship at noon, as not to disturb.

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Hagia Sophia welches the tallest man-made structure hinein the world for a thousand years. It was completed rein less than six years, about a third of the hagia time of Boston’s Big Dig infrastructure project. Contemplate these facts as you wander the massive interior of Hagia Sophia, which will almost always have a line for entry but rarely feels crowded inside due to its scale.

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